Sunday, January 10, 2010


Warning: this one might make you sick. There's a lot of swinging. This clip is probably just for me but it was cute of all the boys playing at the playground.

Jingle Bells

The boys "performed" Jingle Bells on Christmas Eve. The best part is Sawyer's dancing once they get to the chorus... the whole thing deteriorates pretty quickly at the end.

Carter on Christmas

Cameron interviewed some of the kids about Christmas. Here is what Carter (my sister Kellie's 2-year-old) had to say. Maybe no one else will think this is funny, but we laughed so hard. The deliberate choice of words along with the widening of the eyes... classic.

Holiday Travelogue

Besides the actual Christmas celebrations and lots of family time (& friends), which is hands down the main reason we pilgrimage back to Vegas, here are a few other things we enjoyed.

We went to the Springs Preserve, which was a lot of fun. The boys especially enjoyed the flash flood room (sorry, no pictures) and the desert animals:

Climbing on "fossils":

The play area:

Seeing how far they can jump, sort-of...

We also went to the new City Center, which was pretty amazing.
Here's Ryan and I in front of the cool water wall.

I LOVE Chihuly and we were lucky to see his gallery at City Center.

I don't know what to call it but the Louis Vuitton light wall out front is awesome.

Main entrance area:

We visited Jenna & Hyrum's new house and Hudson held Will... for about two seconds and that was good. I held him as much as possible.

My friends from high school and I had a gift exchange and opened a time capsule we buried ten years ago. We put a lot of junk (not pictured) in there :) but it was still fun.

Christmas Eve with Cousins

The boys love playing with their cousins and with six boys four-years-old and under, it's always fun but crazy. Here's a little taste of our Christmas festivities...

The boys all got matching pajamas from Grandma for Christmas Eve. From left to right:
Carter(2), Jackson(4), Sawyer(1), Hudson(3), Owen(10 months). Will (5 weeks, not pictured for his safety).

We attempted the stairs picture... this was the best we could get.

Santa & the reindeer singing Jingle Bells.

Sawyer makes the funniest faces in pictures.

Grandma read the boys the Christmas story.

Baby Will...

Sawyer was so tired from all the fun, and the time change, he laid down on Grandma's floor as soon as it was all over.