Sunday, September 20, 2009

Conversation overheard:

Cameron: Hudson, don't eat your shirt.

Hudson: But I want to eat my shirt.

Cameron: We spend lots of good money for you to have nice clothes and we don't want you to eat them.

(Erin: It ruins them, honey.)

Cameron: If you're hungry, tell us and we'll get you some food to eat.

Hudson: But I want to eat shirts.

Cameron: Then get one of your old shirts to eat. But, I want you to eat the whole thing.

Hudson: No, it will make me sick.

Cameron: Then don't eat your shirts.

Hudson: But I want to eat shirts.


Tebbs Family said...

Maybe Connor has a couple of old shirts he can lend Hudson when you're visiting next week... maybe a different "flavor" will change his mind!

Jenna said...

i REALLY love this.

Sammy said...

its moments like this that i just can't get enough of little kids... love you guys!