Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The "Two-Year-Old Filter" Applied to Church

It's interesting to see how things filter through the mind of a two-year-old. Every week in church, after every single prayer or "amen", Hudson joyfully exclaims: "Yea! Time for nursery!" Last night during FHE, we sang "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. He refused to sing anything but "Jesus wants me for a dinosaur" in his best growling voice. When asked, "Who do we pray to?", he answered, "A Ghost". And finally every time we mention President Monson, he yells, "President MONSTER!"


Courtnie said...

He is hilarious! I enjoyed seeing you guys for the mere hours we had and wish we could see you more. He is so cute!

Tebbs Family said...

I guess when Ashlyn and Hudson sing together they can add "President Monster" to "Follow the Panthers" and have a new hit from the Children's Songbook... ha ha!

kendal said...

Those are so funny. Posting ridiculously cute things like that is a sure-fire way to get me to NYC.

Megan and Shawn said...

Okay so its taken me awhile to not just look at the pictures at your website and finally figure out that you indeed have a blog! Hurray! I love the Jesus wants me for a Dinosaur in a growling voice! Sam does T-Rex prays with the voice too. YOu gotta love boys.